Friday, March 14, 2008


Hello world!

I promise I haven't been ignoring you, just not sure what to blog about lately. I feel like no one would find anything we have going on interesting, but I am always engrossed in everyone else's blogs, so maybe there is hope after all.

It's been a pretty normal week, with the exception of trying to get Ashley to sleep in her bed by herself. She did it with no problem for a year, and then once I got pregnant and started a new job, she started panicking at bedtime. She just doesn't want to be alone and neither Eric or I had the energy to deal with it. So we let her sleep on her little princess fold-out couch in our room. That was sometime last summer and I'm just over it. So her very patient father (and my wonderful husband) has been staying with her in her room until she is asleep every night this week. She inevitably ends up in our room sometime during the night. She has done better each night and we both know it's just a matter of time before she will stay there all night. And neither Eric or I were good sleepers as kids so we had this coming. ;)


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