Saturday, February 23, 2008


Preston has started smiling, and I swear there is nothing more precious than a baby's toothless grin. He is growing so quickly already, it is really hard to believe. He is even sleeping through the night- something I never thought would happen at 2 months old!

Ashley is still doing great and taking her role of big sister very seriously. I think she has more patience than of us. She tries to soothe him when he is crying and it's really sweet to watch.



Anonymous said...
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KDoug said...

SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT????????????????????WHAT??????????????????

Our precious Peyton still wakes up twice a night. Are you breastfeeding? I can't even fathom that day that I will sleep through the night without any interruption. I say that, but I do really enjoy the 5 a.m. wake up when I bring her to bed with me and we cuddle. That's true quality time!!!

He is precious. Take care!


S said...

Yes, through the night- it is pretty unbelievable. And I am breastfeeding, which makes it even harder to believe. He eats around 9:00 p.m. and goes until 5 or 6 a.m.! :)
