Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Biggest Loser Finale Tonight

Tonight is the night! I am really looking forward to it. I voted for Roger and my hubby voted for Mark to be in the final 3. I know Mark is the favorite, but I just don't think he really deserves to be there. He and Alli were both voted off already so they have had their chance.

But the best part of the show is seeing everyone and how much they have changed, it is usually pretty amazing. You'd think that would motivate me as I sit here at work, eating some chocolate. ;)



Huse Yo Mama said...

Hmmm...maybe I'll TiVo that tonight as well!!!

speaking of chocolate, I think I need some! I don't understand why I can't lose weight!?

Lexie said...

I am having a Biggest Loser dinner complete with recipes from the cookbook to celebrate! Of course I will eat lots of other snacks while I watch the show too. I'm with Rachel- I can't understand why I can't lose weight either ;)

I didn't vote because I couldn't decide and felt bad for voting for one and not the other. My mom and stepdad both voted for Roger. I can't wait for the big reveal!

Thanks for visiting my blog :)

S said...

You guys crack me up!

I didn't know there was a cookbook, I will have to check that out.


Lexie said...

I REALLY wanted it for my bday last year, but my husband refused because then people would harrass him about thinking I was fat or something. HE felt like it was setting him up for something even though I was begging. So... my good friend bought it for me and made sure to inscribe how she was buying it because i was begging for it and paul wouldnt. she perused it before giving it ot me and ended up buying one for herself. we had a blast experimenting with it. I have a few dinners from there that we love, but I did cheat a little and add some fat, but not much. If I could find it right now I would pass the recipes on to fellow bloggers, but I have currently misplaced it. I think little hands may have found it and placed it with our TV remote. That, or Swiper the Fox.