Friday, April 4, 2008


I have been meaning to post about the Sound Spa Lullaby from Homedics. Preston received this as a gift and it is great. I tried a ton of projector-type crib toys when Ashley was a baby and they were all pretty much worthless. This has music and noises (ocean, rain, etc) along with a really cool projector that is completely adjustable and comes with interchangeable disks. Preston will lay in his crib and just stare at them until he falls asleep. Plus it has a timer so it doesn't have to stay on all night, or turn off too soon! And it is small so it doesn't take up too much room or look out of place in the nursery. A great gift for someone with a newborn!



Huse Yo Mama said...

I so love this. Bookmark for the next baby.

By the way, the video you put on my blog...quite disturbing. All those pelvic thrusts...very .... okay, very nostalgic. I was a bit embarrassed watching it, though. I don't think I remember seeing that 20 years ago!

Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool. And, a great gift to give.

Looks like the fam is adjusting well to Preston. Glad to hear Ashley is sleeping without any problems in her own bed.

Give everybody kisses for us!


Jess said...

Going to buy this today btw! Watched "the happiest baby on the block" yesterday and they are all about the white noise.